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End of Semester Self-Criticism

This semester was an interesting experience. I had come in with so much anxiety from the first half of the year. I was worried my time here would be short and everyone would tell me I am an awful painter or whatever. But none of that happened! Having a studio is such a great thing.…

Queer Couch Theory

I think I’ve figured out these new paintings. I’ve been thinking about queerness in terms of sensuality and pleasure, as well as tenderness and maximizing care in all kinds of ways. I was talking with my friend about the couch as a queer space in this context, as a space where you can exist and…

the cheetah urge to 13th century hymn

I finished grading all 45 midterm blue books this morning. I am so excited to get those ugly things out of my house. Somehow I made it through, powered by the full moon energy and sparklehorse and charli xcx. (side note: I was thinking about the song “party 4 u” and how it is the…

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